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Puppy Training with Martyn and Staff

Monday, November 04, 2024 6:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

The Princess Anne Hunt Masters invite you to an exclusive members-only morning to view 

 Puppy Training with Martyn and Staff

 November 16th, 2024

        4527 Beechland Road, Elberon V          

  9:30 a.m. Stirrup Cup

10:00 a.m. Hound training on Foot

followed by Lunch and Our Annual Flask-Tasting Contest

Please Register by Wednesday, November 13th

Princess Anne Hunt members and their guests can experience the exhilaration of the hound work without horses; enjoy the camaraderie of the day; and learn something new about foxhunting. Chances are very good you'll view a fox! 

A Thanksgiving-inspired lunch will be provided in the Clubhouse following hunting by member and chef extraordinaire Kris Goeckeritz with help from our event team of the day.  Participate in the flask-tasting contest. All entrants should bring enough for at least 50 people to have a small taste.  All guests can vote!  

It is a rare opportunity and privilege to be able to witness the pursuit of the hounds on foot and up close --as if YOU are a part of the pack! -- and we hope you will join the fun.

Attire is country casual with good walking shoes.

Cost: Donation of Champagne for the Landowner's Bar

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