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PAH Hunter Pace

  • Saturday, May 20, 2017
  • 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  • 1601 Dogham Ln Charles City VA 23030


  • Ride as fast as you can over fences!
  • Ride as fast as you can over fences!
  • Ride at your own pace without jumping
  • Ride at your own pace without jumps
  • Ride at your own pace over fences
  • Ride at your own pace over fences

Registration is closed

Join us for a beautiful ride at one of Princess Anne Hunt's beautiful fixtures in the heart of our territory! The trail will begin and end at historic Dogham Farm.

First team will ride at 9AM. The last team will ride at 11AM. Overflow times will be offered up to 11:30AM if absolutely necessary.

Three classes will be offered:
Ideal time flat 
Ideal time over fences
Fast time over fences

Members: $30
Non-members: $40

 Trails will be clearly marked to guide you. Teams can be comprised of either 2 or 3 riders and start within 5 minutes of another.

For first timers: Our hunter pace is first and foremost going to be a great time! It is intended to introduce you to our hunt territory and help you get a feel for how we ride. Go out with your team and ride how you like to, and if you happen to ride at the "ideal pace" then you are riding at the pace that our hunts generally move.  

Jumps are on your honor!

Once the ride is complete and everyone is settled, we'll have lunch and give awards!

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