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Opening Meet Hunt Breakfast

  • Saturday, October 28, 2017
  • 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM (EDT)
  • Sherwood Forest ~ 14501 John Tyler Memorial Hwy, Charles City, Virginia 23030


  • $35 at the door
  • Juniors pay their age for admission.
  • $25 at the door.

Important reminders:

Please bring a chair! Chairs and tables will not be provided. 
Invoicing and credit cards will not be permitted. 
Cash and check ONLY will be accepted. 

No walk ups or late RSVPs will be permitted to partake of lunch

Dearest Members and Guests of Princess Anne Hunt:

This year's Hunt Breakfast is a special gift to our Hunt family. 

As many of you know, we have kicked off our Hunt Preservation fundraising drive to make much needed improvements to our hunt kennel, purchase a new truck, and much more to secure Princess Anne Hunt's future. 

The amazing Joe DeFazio of DeFazio's Catering invites you to join our fundraising effort as he has done and to enjoy a delicious post hunt spread and bar for a very special price!  

Members can attend the post-hunt celebration for just $25! 
Guests are invited to join us for just $35.
Juniors under 18 pay their age.

Donations toward the Hunt Preservation Fund are greatly appreciated!

*Whether dining or not, all those who plan to join us and socialize after the meet will be charged according to the rates above. 

Hunt Breakfast will be served at roughly 1:00pm following the hunt.

Please bring a chair! Chairs and tables will not be provided. 
Invoicing and credit cards will not be permitted. 
Cash and check ONLY will be accepted. 

No walk ups or late RSVPs will be permitted to partake of lunch.

RSVPs are REQUIRED for accurate catering no later than October 25th at 5PM.
Please indicate the names of your guests in your RSVP so a badge may be prepared for them.

For riders:

This begins our formal hunting season and is considered a "High Holy Day," where time-honored traditions are brought to life and great merriment is shared.

To clarify expectations and ensure a happy, successful hunt, we have assembled a few reminders for you to keep in mind:

Important Notes:

· You MUST get permission for any guest rider(s) prior to Saturday from the PAH Masters. (

·  Dues MUST be paid and up to date prior to hunting. 

· Please arrive no later than 8:45 to check in with Honorary Secretary Christine Sweet; riders should be mounted by 9:15.

· You will be asked to provide an updated Waiver Form to the Hunt Secretary, which includes the following: Coggins, hunt license and waiver for you and your guest(s). (

· Braiding is strongly encouraged, as this is a High Holy Day in Foxhunting. Breed specific braiding is also acceptable. Horses and Riders should arrive NEAT and CLEAN. Boots should be polished.

· Saddle pads should be white and saddle shaped, not square.

Please keep in mind that each of us represent Princess Anne Hunt at all hunt functions. The way we present ourselves and our horses is a reflection on all of us. Proper turnout also respects the generous Landowners who allow us to hunt on their property and make our sport possible.

For further detail regarding proper turnout and hunt etiquette, please see the Etiquette and Attire guidelines on our website.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. We hope to see you at Opening Meet!

Ed Mitchell, MFH

Dee Dee Mausteller, MFH

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