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PAH Preakness Party!

  • Saturday, May 19, 2018
  • 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • "River Ridge" home of Doug and Debbie Hackman: 812 Shirley Plantation Road, Charles City, Virginia 23030
  • 32


Registration is closed

Join us for a Preakness Stakes to remember! 

TIME:  The Preakness will run at 6:20PM. 
s are welcome from 4PM - 8PM.

DRESS:  Garden Party Kentucky Derby style.  

  • For women there will be prizes for 1) Most beautiful hat  2) Most beautiful "Fascinator"  3) Craziest "Fascinator"
  • For men there will be a prize for best tie whether it be standard or bow.  
  • The Preakness has a tradition that women and men try to incorporate either the colors of the race (black and golden yellow) or the official flower (Black Eyed Susan) or the color of the state they are from.  School colors and our own PAH green are also welcome at this event.

COST:  Free for members bringing a side dish. 

GUEST:  $30. Guests of all ages are welcome. Please ensure that guests adhere to attire protocol for the event. 


  • Homemade Bar-be-que will be served courtesy of Mark Wenger!
  • Members are requested to bring a side to share: appetizer, side dish or desert.  Please coordinate with:  Mark Wenger <> until an additional coordinator is identified.


  • Come prepared to place your bet on the winning horse! One lucky guest will take home the pot! 

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