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Landowner's Picnic at the Kennels

  • Sunday, October 07, 2018
  • 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • PAH Kennels 12200 Tylers Mill Road Charles City, Virginia 23030


Registration is closed

Join us for a celebration of our Landowners! 
Sunday, October 7th

Thanks to their gracious support, we have land to hunt each week throughout the season.

PAH Kennels Dedication
We have a very special occasion taking place at this year’s landowner’s picnic. The Joint Masters and Board of Directors of Princess Anne Hunt will be honoring Paynie Tyler with a dedication ceremony of the Princess Anne Hunt Kennels. We would like all members to be in attendance for this very special and historical event.

RSVP deadline Thursday, October 4th at 5pm

Main dish provided by PAH.  Members and Guests please bring a covered dish to share and the bar will be covered by PAH.  Canopies from members would be appreciated.  And bring chairs and bug spray. 

Come raise a glass and share a dish in honor of the Landowners!

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