Princess Anne Hunt cordially invites you to a weekend of education, etiquette and entertainment:
September 7th, 8th and 9th 2018
Have you heard of Princess Anne Hunt but have no idea what they are nor what they do?
Do you currently ride to hounds, or have done so in the past, and are interested in widening your knowledge of fox hunting?
Are you an outdoor sports addict, searching for a new adrenaline rush?
Or maybe you’re an animal lover who’ll seize at any chance to be in the company of anything canine or equine?
If you can relate to any of the listed categories, you and your family should plan on attending!
Friday 7th
5:00pm to 8:00pm
Meet and greet/sign up, a walk out with hounds and Happy hour
Saturday 8th
8am to 3:30pm
Meet and greet/sign up with a light breakfast
8:45am: Walk and talk, out with hounds
9:45am: Kennel visit
10:15am: Informal talk, attendee participation encouraged, covering many topics including hounds, in kennels and in the hunt field; a narrative of a day of hunting including horn calls; roles of the characters within the hunt; etiquette, traditions and attire; importance of landowner and community relationships....and there’s more!
1:00pm: Lunch - Hopefully, with a lively question and answer session!
3:30pm: End of day
Sunday 9th
Mounted day 8:30 to noon
8:30am: Arrive at PAH Kennel with trailers. Horses to be all groomed, tacked up and mounted for 9am for tack inspection/discussion.
9am: All riders ready and mounted for discussion including tack; common sense and behavior in the hunt field; basic rules of riding to hounds
9:30am: Move off for an instructional ride across country on how to behave, ride, watch and listen in the hunt field and riding to hounds including basic etiquette, and hound behavior.
Prerequisite is that riders can walk, trot and canter whilst maintaining control of their mounts as this will not be a horse schooling session!
Cost: Free admission for members and guests; small charge for lunch.
Campsites and stalls will be available at Liberty Hill Farm: 9500 Sturgeon Point Road Charles City, VA 23030.
Campsite: $10 for the weekend
Electric corrals permitted, outdoor paddocks available, no generators after 10pm
Stall: $30 per night
Straw or shavings provided for first night, riders to provide additional bedding for additional nights. Riders required to muck their own stalls.
To reserve a stall or campsite, please contact Joyce Henry: 703-304-3620
OTHERWISE, PLEASE REGISTER ON THIS PAGE. If you experience technical difficulties, please contact Katie Zacherle, 540-522-9356,