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Master Trail Ride Series

  • Monday, June 24, 2019
  • Saturday, June 29, 2019
  • Various Territory Fixtures

Registration is closed

Last one!


Saturday June 29, 2019 Trail Ride and Riding Clinic

Dogham Farm, Hosted by Edward Mitchell, MFH; with Clinic by Merri Musso

GPS Address:  1601 Dogham Lane, Charles City, VA

8:00-9:00 Stirrup Cup

9:00 - 12:00 Trails Open - PAH Members can lead groups at own pace on the Hunter Pace Course (Dogham portion only)

Riding Clinic:

8:30 am - Clinic Session 1 - Flatwork, poles, and gymnastics (no jumping)

10:00 am - Clinic Session 2 - Flatwork, jumping over 2', and coops

Each session will address rider's position, control, and horse and rider's balance together, so as to enhance the foxhunting experience.  Open to all.

Negative coggins, liability waiver, and hard hats required

BYO lunch and drinks

Trail ride no charge to PAH members; Guests $20

Clinic $40/person/session for PAH Members; $60 for Guests (includes trail fee)

RSVP to Ed Mitchell (804)314-2809.  Please indicate if interested in clinic 1 or 2.  Program may be modified depending on feedback and level of interest.

Please register with Master Ed Mitchell at the email below

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