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  • Saturday, September 07, 2019
  • Sunday, September 08, 2019

Registration is closed

*Please bring a chair for the lecture part of the Hunt Clinic*

Updated details needed

Please indicated if you are attending .......

  • saturday and sunday (35.00 non members,25.00 members)
  • saturday only (no charge)
  • mounted sunday only (35.00 non members,25.00 members)
  • sunday audit (10.00)
  • attire for the mounted day, is Harnessed helmets and stout boots are a must!  Polos shirts are appropriate, but please steer clear of red or white shirts or tops.

contact Christine Sweet -

click here to print waivers to hand in Sunday with your coggins



Princess Anne Kennels

12200 Tyler Mill Rd

Charles City, Va



~ A special update to the Foxhunting 101 Forum ~

There will be NO CHARGE for the non-mounted session Saturday 7th September and the barbeque lunch will be provided courtesy of the PAH staff.

However, the mounted session fee Sunday 8th fee will remain at $35 for non-members and $25 for members. Riding in the hunt field tuition and lunch included.

Please consider attending one or both days; entertainment and education guaranteed!

Pre-registration is required on either or rsvp to

Refer back to the original posting regarding the Forum, August 2nd, for all details!

Details of PAH's Foxhunting 101 Forum.

Hounds, Horses and Hunting equals Happiness, are as follows:

  • 2 days of everything Hunting! What you have always wanted to know, but were afraid to ask!
  • Non-mounted day on Saturday. Don't wear your best clothes! Rain or shine.
  • Mounted day on Sunday. All riders must be capable of walk, trot and canter whilst maintaining control of their horse; apologies, but this is not a horseback riding clinic! That being said, and depending on the number of attendees, the pace may well be steady as safety is our primary concern! Agenda of mounted session will soon be revealed!
  • Signed waivers and negative Coggins certificates are mandatory. (no coggins no entry) click here
  • Lunch and drinks will be provided on both days.
  • RSVP is required , please rsvp on this evite or contact;
  • Fees required.
  • Saturday - no charge, complementary lunch
  • Sunday $35 non-members, $25 members
  • Sunday $10 Auditors/spectators
  • Please, no dogs at the kennels Saturday and on Sunday dogs must be leashed/contained.
  • Camping and overnight accommodations available at Liberty Hill Farm for $30, please contact Joyce Henry at 730.304.3620 or

  • Questions and concerns? Contact: or
  • PAH members (Riding and Hunt Supporters!) attendance and participation is encouraged!

Sat. Sep 7th
8AM Arrival at PAH kennels. Sign in (if you would like to be included on PAH emailing list, share your email) and pay fee. (checks or cash only)
8:30 Walk out with the hounds. A wonderful opportunity to interact with, and love on, hounds!
9:30 Kennel visit and Puppy Play Time!
10:30 An informal presentation of the history of hunting, traditions and attire with a narrative of a day's hunting including horn calls.....and all sorts of other related topics! There will be visual aids and informative handouts.
1PM Lunch

Sun. Sep 8th
9AM Arrival at Dogham. Sign in (if you would like to be included on PAH emailing list, share your email) pay fee, submit signed waivers and copy of Coggins.
10:00 Mounted for a stirrup cup and brief discussion regarding tack, riding conscientiously behind hounds and horse/rider behavior whilst hunting.
10:30 Move off. As mentioned above, the agenda will depend on number of attendees, riding standards and weather.
12:30 Finish with short discussion of care of horses after hunting and on non-hunting days.
1PM Lunch

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