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Third Kennel Workday

  • Saturday, July 27, 2019
  • 12200 Tyler's Mill Road

Registration is closed

 3rd Kennel Workday! 

first and second keNNEL Workday is in the books!  come and see how much we accomplished! But more needs to be done!  We have a job for everyone! Spackling holes, painting trim, cleaning walls and fans! Building shelves!

comE walk out hounds at 8pm.Work on club room and storage area 9am. Please rsvp so we know to expect you!

8:00 a.m. Saturday July 27th – Work Day  at the PAH Kennels – Join us for walking out hounds 8:00 am – 9:00 am, following which we will work on painting and carpentry work around the kennels, and in particular the new “Club Room” and “Tack Room”.  Work to conclude by 3:00pm.  Please RSVP to Construction Team Leader Mark Wenger ( if you are available, so that he can plan materials and schedule out the work to be completed.  BYO lunch/drinks and a chair.

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