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Newcomer's Day

  • Saturday, October 12, 2019
  • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Dogham Farm

Registration is closed

"Newcomer's Day"

Saturday October 12th 9AM
Dogham Farm,

1601,Dogham Lane, Charles City 23030

Over the past few months, we have been visiting local barns and riding programs, sharing our love and knowledge of hounds and hunting, and we would like to encourage guests and first time hunters, that we may have inspired during those visits, to join us for a morning of riding to hounds!

Any current member that knows of an equestrian acquaintance that could just enjoy this social, riding sport, sign them up!

Any discipline welcome; this is an all inclusive day! Whether you are a hunter jumper or a western rider, please consider attending. Ride in your usual day-to-day tack....cowboys do not need to wear those tight pants! Wear muted, dark tops/shirts (staff wear red polo shirts) and plan on an early enough arrival to meet all the hunt field players, hand over a signed waiver, show your negative Coggins certificate, partake of a stirrup cup and be mounted, ready to move off, by 8:45.

click here for PAH Waiver

Plan on riding for approximately 3 hours. Preferably, your horse should be used to being in horse group situations out on the trails. You should be able to walk, trot and canter whilst maintaining control of your horse.
Non-riding family and friends are also welcome.

Once hunting has concluded, and hounds are back in their trailer, there will be a breakfast (it does not matter what time of day it is!) supplied by PAH members with their potluck dishes to share.

Prerequisites are a harnessed helmet (beg, steal or borrow!) suitable foot-wear and pre-registration on our website Whilst on there, you can also download and print waivers. 

Any questions or concerns? Ask here.
We hope to see you all then!


Master Ed Mitchell  -

Master Travis Gibson -

Master DeeDee Mausteller -

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