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Membership Breakfast

  • Saturday, January 25, 2020
  • 1:00 PM
  • Binford House at Fort Pocahontas 13150 Sturgeon Point Road


  • Members - free
    Guests - $25

Registration is closed

        Annual Membership Breakfast

     January 25th!

       Rain or Shine!

Hounds Meet at 10am

Breakfast at 1pm

***see details below***

Dear Princess Anne Hunt Members,

Please come out to Fort Pocahontas and join us for our Annual Membership Breakfast after a wonderful morning of hunting on January 25th! We would love to see a great turnout of car followers to enjoy the day's hunt as well as the breakfast afterward inside the lovely Binford House at 1pm,

Binford House at Fort Pocahontas

13150 Sturgeon Point Road!

Charles City, VA
The breakfast, prepared by our new 2019 members, is free to membership.  All guests are welcome at $25 per person.  Food and libations will be provided by Princess Anne Hunt to thank our membership for their continued support. For this reason, please RSVP by Tuesday, January 21st at 6pm so that we can prepare the meal and bar. 

Hope to see you all at the breakfast!

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