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PAH Festival of Foxhunting: An Education Clinic and Tack Exchange

  • Saturday, September 25, 2021
  • 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
  • 12200 Tyler Mill Road, Charles City VA


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Please join us for

PAH’s Festival of Foxhunting

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 An  Informational Clinic and Tack Exchange

With special guest speaker: Mr. Andrew Barclay, MFHA Director of Hunting

Saturday, September 25th, 2021, 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

PAH Kennels; 12200 Tyler Mill Road, Charles City VA

Please bring a chair! 

Don't forget to bring those tack and attire items to sell!

Cost: members free, non-members $20

Please join us for this year’s foxhunting clinic with a twist.  Learn about the time-honored tradition of the sport through many interactive educational stations.  Newcomers and seasoned foxhunters will have the opportunity to engage in one-on-one discussions with PAH’s subject experts on a variety of themes from what to wear to a brief history of the sport, how to care for the horse, and an introduction to PAH.  Also included will be discussions geared toward Hunt Supporters related to all social events, what happens in the Hunt field, what is a Stirrup Cup, what is a Breakfast, and how to follow the hunt safely on foot or by car.  We will come together for a special presentation by keynote guest speaker; Mr. Andrew Barclay, MFHA Director of Hunting and author of several books on foxhunting.  Books will be available for purchase and autographs.  Our very own Huntsman, Martyn Blackmore, will also talk on “A Day’s Hunting”, complete with demonstrations of the unique sounds from the hunting horn.

New this year is a Tack Exchange along with opportunities to purchase PAH merchandise and vendors with equestrian-related products for sale.  Participants are urged to bring equestrian and foxhunting related items to sell, with the ask for 10% donation from your proceeds, and we will assist with tagging and display.  Please contact Franci Wayland  at for questions.

For more information, please contact Travis Gibson, MFH, at

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