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Annual Meeting and Puppy Show

  • Sunday, May 01, 2022
  • 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Upper Shirley Plantation


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Annual Meeting and Puppy Show

Sunday, May 1, 2-5 pm

2 pm Business Meeting

2:30- Puppy Show

Home of Suzy Dameron at Upper Shirley Plantation

700 Shirley Plantation Road, Charles City 

Come celebrate the conclusion of our 95th hunt season and kick off the new fiscal year with our first puppy show EVER! We have 13 members who are working with Martyn now to get our puppies ready for the show. The judges will be Graham Buston, Huntsman with Blue Ridge Hunt, and John Harrison, Huntsman for Deep Run Hunt. They will choose the puppies best suited to represent PAH at the upcoming hound shows.

Before the puppy show starts, we'll report on last year's successes, vote in our new Board members, learn about this year's membership directory; what's coming in the new year; and get a sneak peak of the online auction which will kick off on THAT day!  In addition to seeing our puppies in action, you'll enjoy refreshments, the landowners bar and the beautiful grounds of Upper Shirley Plantation. Thank you Suzy Dameron for hosting!

Dress: Hats and dresses for the ladies; Ties and coats for the men is customary 

Please bring a chair!

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