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**Canceled**Westover "Fantastic Evening" Trail Ride

  • Wednesday, May 25, 2022
  • 6:00 PM


  • Select for PAH member
  • Please select for nonmember or guest registration

Trail ride canceled for 25 May.  Excessive rain at trailer parking location. Look for rescheduled date soon

Westover Plantation "Fantastic Evening" Trail Ride, 6:00 p.m.

Park in front of the brick walled garden on the grass and mounted and ready to ride by 6 pm.

BYO and a dish to share.

Members free. Guests $20 per person. 

Current coggins and waiver required for all guests.  Please email in advance to Robin Somers-Strom at Casual attire.  Hard hats required.  Contact Robin with any other questions.

Check PAH hunt recording (804-277-4567) for rain cancelation by 2 pm on the 25th

There will be a slow group and a faster moving group.

Self guided walking tour of grounds available

As always, remember to remove any manure

7000 Westover Rd, Charles City, VA 23030 

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