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Trail Ride at Cumberland Estate

  • Sunday, June 04, 2023
  • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • 9007 Cumberland Rd, New Kent VA 23124


9007 Cumberland Road, New Kent VA

Sunday, June 4 at 9 am 

Plan to join Master Travis Gibson and Jim Daniels on Sunday, June 4 at 9 am. Potluck refreshments following the trail ride.  Guests are welcome! Many thanks to John Poindexter for hosting.  Be sure to give your fee, waiver, and coggins to Jim or Travis.  Trail rides are free to all PAH members and landowners; $25 for guests; $15 for junior guests.  Information is available by calling/texting MFH Travis Gibson at 804-815-6956. Call for updates at the hunt recording 804-277-4567, the website and PAH facebook for weather-related cancellations or changes. Riding helmets are required.

Please print and sign Cumberland Waiver

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