Members and their Guests are invited to a special
Morning of Performance Trials
Featuring Princess Anne Hunt Hounds and Puppies

Location: 4527 Beechland Road, Elberon VA
Saturday, November 18, 2022
Please Register by Thursday, November 16.
9:00 a.m. Stirrup Cup
9:30 a.m. Hound and Puppy Performance Auction
10:00 a.m. Hound and Puppy Performance Trials
Lunch and Our Annual Flask-Tasting Contest, following trials
You are invited to join Princess Anne Hunt for a day of Hound Performance Trials on foot. Come experience the exhilaration of hound work without horses; enjoy the camaraderie of the day; and learn more about how hounds hunt and how foxes run. Chances are very good you'll view a fox!
You'll have a chance to bid on the PAH hound you think PAH staff will select as the "best working hound" Payout percentage will be higher if it is a puppy who wins!
A delicious lunch will be provided in the Clubhouse following hunting by Kris Goeckeritz and the event team. Guests are encouraged to participate in the flask-tasting contest. All entrants should bring enough for at least 40 people to have a small taste. All guests can vote.
It is a rare opportunity and a privilege to be able to witness the pursuit of the hounds on foot and up close--as if YOU are a part of the pack! -- and we hope you will join the fun. To improve your chances of seeing foxes, and to learn more about the PAH hounds, we will give everyone an opportunity to be paired with a PAH staff member, and we'll raise a glass to the group that views the most foxes!
Attire is country casual with good walking shoes.