R a i n o r S h i n e!
The Princess Anne Hunt Board of Directors
cordially invites you to
The Annual Meeting and Puppy Show
Sunday, May 19th, 2-5 pm
Upper Shirley Plantation, 700 Shirley Plantation Rd, Charles City
Home of PAH Member Suzy Dameron
Bring a Chair!
A short business meeting begins at 2:15. You will enjoy a re-cap of last year's successes and challenges and learn a bit about where your membership dues money is being spent. Voting members will be asked to review and approve last year's Annual Meeting minutes (which can be viewed in the member section of the website). There will also be a vote on the following slate of officers and directors that are proposed by the nominating committee for a two-year term on the PAH Board of Directors beginning in May 2024.
Vice President: Jim Daniels
Treasurer: Tim Watson
Director: Alex Cromer
Director: Jerel Johnson
Director: Lisa Langenhennig
Director: Joe Svetina
We will raise a glass of Upper Shirley champagne to the end of another great year
with Princess Anne Hunt and start the new one in style and then enjoy...
Following the business meeting, the Puppy Show will give you a unique opportunity to see our puppies in action; try your hand at hound show judging; and see how you do against our expert judge. It also gives Martyn a chance to do a practice round with his assistants before the May 26th Virginia Hound Show and the June 1st Bryn Mawr Hound Show. Visit with friends and enjoy refreshments and beverages after the show in the beautiful setting of Upper Shirley Plantation.
Copyright © 2021 Princess Anne Hunt