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Tally Ho Ho Ho Christmas Caroling Ride - Members Only

  • Saturday, December 14, 2024
  • 10:00 AM
  • Historic Shirley Plantation


  • Members only and your registered Guest

Registration is closed

Princess Anne Hunt

Tally Ho Ho Ho 

Trail Ride with Caroling

December 14th, 10am

   Eggnog contest! Bring your favorite recipe. 


Princess Anne Hunt requests the pleasure of your company for

   The Tally Ho Ho Ho  

Christmas Caroling Ride

followed by potluck lunch and eggnog contest

December 14 at 10:00 am

(9:30 am stirrup cup)

Historic Shirley Plantation

501 Shirley Plantation Road, Charles City, Virginia 23030

Hosted by Charles and Lauren Carter

Co-Hosts Doug & Debbie Hackman

PAH Merchandise for Christmas available on site!

Members, landowners, and their guests are invited to follow Joyce Henry's carriage along the scenic three-mile route through historic plantations and farms on horseback, foot, bicycle or by car. Caroling will be led by Debbie and Doug Hackman.  

 Feel free to decorate your horse or vehicle and/or wear a costume. Bring a dish to share for breakfast and enter the contest with your favorite eggnog recipe. Registration is required.

Carpools with 3+  in a car are encouraged.  PAH Liability waiver, negative coggins test, and ASTM approved hard hats required for all riders.  Send waivers and coggins to Hunt Secretary Cynthia Long-Porter at   Call hunt recording (804) 277-4567 before trailering for any updates to the program or information on parking. Trailer parking next to the maintenance shed past the front gate of Shirley, cars also should park adjacent to trailers.  
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