Register now for
PAH Trail Ride Series - Eastern Shore Ride
Guests - $25 Junior Guests - $15
Members - No Cost
Sunday April 7th, 10:00 a.m.
Burton’s Bayside Farm
3103 Townfield Drive Cape
Charles, VA 23354
Beautiful views and wooded trails wind along Kings Creek
PAH Ride Hosts: Mary Finney and Angie Pfeiffer
Lunch provided:
We will provide flight leaders for organized flight at different paces. Riding at a walk, trot pace the ride is about 2 hours & 20 minutes, with some optional jumps along the way.
Many thanks to Mr. Ben Burton for hosting PAH on this beautiful property!
Contact: Mary Finney@757-678-6047
Neg Coggins and waivers required: collected at gate table. Hard hats required.
Call hunt recording for any changes 804-277-4567.
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